Keeping your wallet in order is a great way to energetically draw more money into your life! Imagine your wallet is a home and cash/coins are the tenants. If your wallet is falling apart and full of clutter, why would money want to move in? Instead, they can be off inhabiting other wallets, not yours. Treat your wallet with respect and invite more cash into your life. Today I’m going to share with you some tips on how to do just that and more.
Photo by Lukas
1. Feng shui your wallet
I find that the placement of things in your environment truly affects the subconscious. Here are some feng shui tips that can make changes to your wallet to help transform your mind and then your life.
How is the condition of your current wallet? Make sure the zipper works well. Is there a compartment for both your cash and coins? You want to make sure there is a proper place for everything you need.
If your wallet is old and tattered, has holes, or is broken at the zipper, replace it! When replacing a wallet choose a good quality material. You can also consider color.
Different colors resonate with different elements thus, functioning differently towards your intentions.
- Black → Water
- Green → Wood
- Brown → Wood & Earth
- Red → Fire
- Blue → Water
From my research, I have concluded that the best color for you would depend on your personal element as indicated by your date of birth.
You can consider choosing the colors black, brown, green for your new wallet. These colors are often associated with attracting and keeping abundance, however, depending on your personal element they may or not be best suited for you. Avoid whites, pale, or opaque colors. The richer or deeper the color the better.
The first step is to Marie Kondo your wallet. Take everything out, emptying your wallet. Throw away all your receipts, coupons, and any other clutter.
If you must keep your coupons, then store them somewhere else. Don’t keep them in your wallet.
Don’t keep images of your loved ones in your wallet. This energetically conflicts your intentions for prosperity. I also find it unnecessary to keep photos when we live in a world with smartphones.
Limit the number of credit cards you carry. Try to carry only two at most.
Once you’ve finish cluttering, make sure all of your cards and bills are neatly stacked and tucked; do the same for all your cards. If possible, avoid folding your bills in half and lay them flat.
Make sure there is a designated place for everything. A place for your cards, your notes/bill, and for your coins. I personally keep all my coins separate in a nice coin purse.
2. Keep a number 8 in your wallet
This is something my dad told me years back. He got it from a newspaper.
What I mean when I say the number eight is the infinity symbol. The infinity symbol signifying a limitless, never-ending flow. The idea is to keep this symbol in your wallet to attract a continuous flow of money.
Look for this number or symbol in magazines, newspapers, or the internet for you cut out. You can even draw one yourself! I have my cut-out infinity symbol laminated with clear tape for protection. I keep it in the compartment of my wallet where I store my bills.
I have been implementing this for years, and I can’t recall a time in which my bill compartment has ever been empty!
3. Keep cash you don’t spend
You should never be afraid to spend money or feel that you are losing cash. Instead of this fear of lack, shift your focus towards feeling abundance; from losing to having. One trick I used to practice was always keeping a bill/note I would never spend.
Imagine renting out an apartment to a tenant for a month or two. Your house won’t feel empty if someone is living there! Increase your feelings of security in regards to having money by keeping note of your choosing that you never spend. You’ll always feel like you have money because you do.
Now, if there is an emergency you can decide how to best proceed then. You can always terminate your tenant’s contract after a period of time.
Photo by Bruce Mars
4. Affirm your prosperous lifestyle
I was one of those people out there who truly dreaded spending money, fearing that I wouldn’t have enough one day. Handing over money to the cashier was physically painful. I am aware now that when we focus on lack, we discover more of it. I was blocking money more from entering my life.
A great practice is to affirm your abundance as you make purchases. You can do so by simply telling yourself, out loud or in your head, there is more where that came from or more money is on its way to me now. Do this each time you make a purchase and feel free to invent your own variation of this affirmation.
I also personally suggest smiling at the same time because it helps shift your negative focus to a positive focus by tricking your brain. Smiling aside, you should be happy! Why wouldn’t you be when you know and trust that more money is on its way as you make space for it in your wallet? Rejoice with gratitude.
5. Final thoughts
Money is an energetic entity that deserves our respect, just as well all do. If we want to see more money we need to start changing our attitude in regards to cash and coins.
We can start by re-evaluating how we currently handle our money. Money shouldn’t have to fear us and we shouldn’t have to fear money. Like a well-balanced relationship, show proper care and respect and you can expect the same in return. Make changes, then begin to observe the changes in your life. Maybe you’ll even find that money comes knocking at your door!
I hope you find these tips helpful and that you continue adventuring towards a life that fulfills you!
Featured Image by Artem Bali