The journey of life comes filled with an everlasting flow of patterns, rhythm, and events that ultimately shape us into the people we are. There are times we experience greatness and times we experience loss or sadness. These are experiences we will continue to have time and time again as they become familiar to us. However, some life occurrences might prove particularly intense and even seem to have us at its mercy. We may wonder why things are happening to us and only us in such a way? What can be done to transcend these moments like these; the sad times, the blues?
Today I write to help you, and those whom you choose to share this with, to develop an understanding that the sun will shine tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, then soon. For it must. For this, you can depend on the law of rhythm.
What is the law of rhythm?
What happens to a pendulum when you pull at one end? The force is transferred to the other end where the ball swings out and back with the same strength. The law of rhythm is like this.
The universal law of rhythm is a mutable law that can be transcended, and it tells us that our universe operates in cycles. Like the pendulum, energy will continuously flow out and in. Nothing in life will ever stay the same. There is a guaranteed season for everything. What rises must fall and what goes up must come down.
This rhythmic law appears everywhere in our day to day, for rhythm exists in the flow of everything. It exists in our bodies; there is a time to rest and a time for being active. In nature we can see this rhythm in the change of seasons, the cycles of the moon, and in the tides of the sea. You can even see it in the flow of the economy and in relationships.
In romantic relationships, there might be a passionate beginning, but what eventually comes is what many refer to as the “rough patch”. A time of contrasting energy to what was present at the start.
The universal law of rhythm reminds us that there is a time for everything; both highs and lows. But how can we begin to transcend these low periods?
Photo by Dana Tentis
How to transcend the law of rhythm?
A still pendulum is a structure of balance and harmony. Calm and unmoving, there is not yet a swing hurtling a force to disturb its peace. With this image in mind, there is something to consider.
When things in life are amazing and or down-right awful, you must maintain peace within you. Be as the unmoving pendulum.
This is not to say that you shouldn’t feel happy or feel nothing at all. What I am suggesting is to ground this energy within you. You don’t have to tell everyone you know the amazing thing that happened to you, scream jump around. Like this, the pendulum begins its pull. Don’t let your joy escape you. Keep it within. Nourish it, thereby prolonging its existence.
In other words, the advice here is to ground yourself in gratitude. When good things are happening to you, be grateful for this moment, even thank the universe. Continue to show forth your gratitude by not taking for granted the moment you have acquired. By focusing on the gratitude you will remain in the upward motion for much longer by virtue of yet another universal law. Whatever you focus on will have to expand. Stand grounded in gratitude and you will attract more reasons to be grateful.
When things aren’t going how you planned, don’t give up. Don’t throw a fit. Don’t go complaining to everyone. And surely, don’t react in always that make life difficult for anyone else. The advice here is to move forward, confidently. This is a time to take action.
Many people may surrender to defeat in this plateau. This dip is something that everyone experiences to variant degrees, but understand that this period is temporary and must balance out further in the future. See this time as an opportunity to learn from this situation or even study up on matters. Low-cycles are a time to gather and save up your resources, a time to engage in clear and intentional planning, and most importantly, a time to do the hard work that needs to be done.
Begin shifting your mindset today. Understand low periods are opportunities for you to grow and prepare for the next cycle to come. Grasping this understanding and continuing to move forward will allow for your “low cycles” to no longer feel as traumatic as they once did, and will even aid in creating a lasting up-cycle.
Photo by Ivars
What you can do today
Just as I earlier exemplified various things operating in rhythmic cycles, we as people experience life in a rhythm that is unique to us. Some experience more intense highs and lows in they’re day to day, whereas others move through life with more subtle fluctuations. I encourage you to examine your life’s swings and how intense they are. Think that to moments when you became stuck in a current, and remember how long it lasted. With this in mind, take the time now to reflect further.
Consider what kind of actions you take when you experience lows? Do you run and hide? Do you complain and tell everyone? Do you become frustrated and quit?
Once you have evaluated your low habits, decide now how you are going to react moving forward. What steps will you take from now on when you were experiencing a dip? Have this plan in place, and declare it to yourself. You will no longer allow yourself to be swept away as you once were.
With time and practice, these hard times won’t be so “hard” anymore as you will align yourself to a higher vibrational life. Master this law and in return, you will be rewarded with low-cycles that are only as low as what your highs used to be.
Featured Photo: Photo by KAROLINA GRABOWSKA
Final thoughts
Rhythm exists in the flow of everything; the seasons, our bodies, the economy. Don’t resist the swinging of the pendulum. Instead, move along with its rhythm as if to move with the natural flo of life. When we do this, we will see more desiable results, things will come to us easily, and more often.
In life, especially in our youth we experience heartbreak, sadness, euphoria, passion, and a plethora of other emotions, all of which color our experience here on Earth. I thought I had become quite experienced with the blues, and then I moved overseas where I fell mercy to the high and lows life like never before. And worse, I had become stuck in a current for some time.
I want you to remember that when times get hard, focus on the outcome you desire. Keep moving and remain grateful of all of the blessing you currently have no matter how big or small.
If you are experiencing a bad time no matter where you are in the world, understand, your time is coming. It is guaranteed.
Featured Photo: Photo by Jackson David