If you are interested in inviting more abundance into your life, it might serve you to learn about the law of giving and receiving. I have recently become more conscious of this universal law, and I wanted to share it with you all and share my experience with it. I believe that when we are all willing to give and receive full-heartedly, then we will all able to benefit and grow collectively. We can all begin to prosper.
1. What is the law of giving and receiving?
This phenomenon, sometimes referred to as the law of give and take, the law of the circle, or the law of circulation, simply means that you get back what you put out. There is a perpetual flow within our universe where things flow in and out of our lives. We make purchases, handing over cash from our wallets, but our wallet never stays empty for long. Soon, it is filled again with money through whatever means.
Another example I love from VictoriaMGallagher is when you donate clothes from your closet, something I often do. The space you have made have will eventually become filled with clothes again. The same can be true for any area you clear. It just sort of happens, doesn’t it? At least, this has been true in my experience. You are releasing or giving away things, and as a result, you have allowed yourself room to receive new things in those spaces.
This law works alongside the law of attraction where you are putting out energy in the form of your intentions and releasing resistance, trusting that you will eventually receive. If you want to know more about the Law of Attraction, read my post about it here.
Perhaps, you have heard or have even been taught concepts about giving and receiving before. However, I will attempt in this post to really dive into this topic through the perspective I have acquired through my experiences and research. Hopefully, I will effectively explain how becoming conscious of this phenomenon can help you on your journey, regardless of where you are, and where you are in life.
2. How does it work?
If you want to receive, you must first give it. If you want to be ready to receive, you must first be ready to give. It’s that simple.
Is this easy to use in everyday life? Well that depends on you. One cannot receive free hand outs when their hands are constantly balled into tight fists. Open your hands. Allow yourself to receive. How can you become more abundant if you are not ready to receive? When people want to give to you, allow them to, knowing that a day will come where you will have an opportunity to give. Understand that it may not be to that exact person/entity ir not. On the other hand this law works both ways. To get something, you must be able to open your hands to give.
3. Ways you can give
You don’t need to give away money or tangible things. After all, everything is energy at the end of the day. There are plenty of other things you possess and can give. Some examples include:
- Your ideas
- Your expertise
- Your time and attention
- Your love or compassion
- Food
Another interesting idea is to give up a thought pattern, one that no longer serves you on your journey. Do this to recieve a new thought pattern and everything else that follows as a result. This works like my earlier examples because when you give up something, the space is now there for something new to fill it.
When you give it is also important yo give to people and things you truly believe in. You if you do not this will only hinder your ability to recieve and perhaps dwindle your trust in life and the universe as a whole.
4. Your intentions matter
This is important. I read a book recently by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles. The book is titled, It Is Time For You to Be Financially Free. Something from the book I found interesting and is that Ms. Cota-Robles talks about how one’s intention for giving can affect the outcome.
When you give, the intention should be for another to benefit. This means that they as a result recieve love, comfort, peace, prosperity, etc. Also important; when you give, give happily without regret. That being said, when practicing giving, here things you shouldn’t do.
- Don’t give expecting a specific person or entity to give back to you someday. Maybe the will. Maybe they won’t. But thinking this way simply won’t work.
- Don’t give reluctantly, with doubt or any resistance. This also wont work.
These don’t work because you are demonstrating a mindset and actions of scarcity. The energy you are putting, or giving out, is that of lack. Think for a moment, if you are offering this energy to the universe, you will only recieve this energy, the energy of scarcity, in return.
Ms. Cota-Robles further emphasis the significance of intention in her example of giving money away to people in our family. Perhaps you are too afraid to give away money to just anybody and maybe you dont hold much trust in this process. What you decide is to give it to family. At least then the money can stay within the family thus directly comforting, and potentially, benefiting you. However, this intention to give to only your family is done from fear, meaning it isn’t truly giving.
You are welcome to give to whomever you choose, the point here is to be concious of your intentions, your reasons for giving. Don’t be afraid to give to those further away from you. I believe that in doing so not only will you demonstrate trust in this universal law, you will also be less likely to give for your intended benefit.
The book also talks about the concept of donating something, money for example, functioning is an act of gratitude. It is a gesture of gratitude for the life you are living, to be under such privileged conditions to be able to give (no matter how small). More importantly it is a gesture of gratitude for being alive on this planet to experience everything it provides you.
Every donation you make, should be gesture of thanks to the universe, god, the Earth, whomever, for the gift of life that it has granted you.
5. Only ten percent
Something else from the book I found interesting is that Ms. Cota-Robles talks about the significance of 10 percent. There she explains how only giving 10 percent of your wealth what you have will suffice for you to get these things back at least 10 fold.
When I read, I couldn’t but think how 10 percent was pretty reasonable. Not everyone is rich after all. Its harder to make an excuse for not being able to give away 10 percent of something. Imagine giving away a tenth slice of cake. Its a sliver you can do without! Many people who put this law into practice will tell you the same, not just Ms. Cota-Robles. Many people, in my experience, from the spiritual community will tell you how what you choose to give will return to you greater than you have given it.
6. What do you want to receive?
Consider what you are currently giving in your life, and what is it that you are receiving. Whatever you want to receive, remember you must give it first.
If you think other people must give you something first for you to be able to give then you are mistaken. This mode of thinking exhibits the poverty mindset. And if you only ever act and think from this mindset, you will only attract, well, “poverty” or the feeling of it.
Think about what you might want to receive. How can you work on giving to others in your life so that you can receive it in return? Whatever you choose to give, give it willingly and happily. It is the flow of energy that you are sending out through your actions, and you want that to come back to you. Also, bear in mind that who you are giving to isn’t necessarily going to be the one to give back.
7. My experience
Something I have always been good at attracting is free clothing. Every so often, some woman I meet will offer their old or “no longer-the-right-size” clothing to me. It has happened to me two times, in the states and three times abroad so far. I realize something I periodically do is donate clothing.
Now I am working on receiving more money, so I make it a monthly habit to donate towards people and causes that I believe in. Giving to causes you believe in, especially those who help many others, matters greatly according to Ms. Cota-Robles’ book.
I am happy to give my money away to these causes, and this is the energy we should all send out as we give to one another. Energy such as this is important to circulate. Eventually, as we all embrace giving in such a way, we can all receive and thus benefit as a collective.
8. What you can do today?
What I am encouraging today is for you to incorporate conscious giving into your life. You don’t have to give much, and you don’t have to give money even.
You can give thoughts, ideas, love, food, gifts, your time even! You have a multitude of ways to give. Some of my favorite ways to give are to make food for others or donate to charities and causes that I truly believe in.
Think about what you have to give. Don’t think that you are underprivileged and therefore are incapable. If you can read my post, then you are more than capable of giving something of value to others and when you do, trust the inevitable flow of the universe. As you keep these concepts in mind, I hope that you continue adventuring towards the life you envision.
Featured image by Dzenina Lukac
Cota-Robles, Patricia D. It Is Time For YOU To Be Financially Free!. New Leaf Distributing Company, 1997.